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Blue liquid

Endisil® FS-193

Peg-12 Dimethicone

Product Profile

Chemical Description

Endisil® FS-193 is a silicone glycol copolymer used in a variety of applications, including personal care, paints and coatings, and those situations requiring silicone performance with improved organo-compatibility. It is used to reduce surface tension while improving wtting and rub out. Soluble in water, alcohol, and hydro-alcohol systems, Endisil® FS-193 improves the emulsion compatibility and performance of active ingredients within water-based and alcohol systems. Unlike most silicones, Endisil®FS-193 builds and retains foam structure and is commonly used in preparations where foam and lather is desired.


Peg-12 Dimethicone


Endisil® Inc.

Product Line



  • Haircare
  • Skincare

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