We’ll let the NACD press release say it best:
The National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) is pleased to announce that more than 119 Regular member and Chemical Handler Affiliate companies’ sites have successfully passed NACD’s 4th-cycle on-site Responsible Distribution Verifications since July 2010. These organizations continually demonstrate their commitment to the implementation of its Responsible Distribution’s environmental, health, safety, and security (EHS&S) requirements.
Where does NACD’s Responsible Distribution mandate belong in a blog about innovation? Simple — it’s a pathfinding business innovation, an effort that was developed and instituted by member companies in order to protect the public, their communities, and ensure the long-term safety and security of all concerned with this industry. That’s innovation in the best sense of the word, because it’s progress that delivers real, substantive improvement affecting a good many people.
Responsible Distribution has brought peace of mind and good business practices to every company that participates, and the knowledge that as good, reputable operators, they’re doing the right thing. And in today’s legislative and security environment, it’s an initiative that allows them to better position themselves for long-term success, both here and in international markets…an example of how private sector altruism also delivers commercial dividends.