Clogged pores are a common skincare issue for millions of consumers around the globe. But, when these dreaded “black dots” mar the skin on the face, many consumers will turn to drastic measures to unclog their pores and create the “creamy, velvety skin” they desire.

However, ineffective and potentially unsafe tools like facial extractors, so-called face vacuums, and pore strips are often ineffective in the battle to unclog pores.

Instead, the key to actually unclogging pores and creating smoother looking skin tone resides in the holy grail of exfoliators: glycolic acid, the smallest molecule of the Alpha Hydroxy Acid family.

What clogs pores?

Pores are the tiny openings in the skin that release oils and sweat, and are connected to the hair follicles. When pores become clogged, they appear larger in size and often darker in color. And for consumers, clogged pores are simply crazy-making.

There are two key factors that contribute to a tendency towards clogged pores. 

The first driver is an overproduction of sebum, the oily liquid which helps lubricate the skin. Pores will stretch to accommodate excess sebum, and thus become larger in size. This “stretched out” appearance then makes any trapped dirt or debris within the pore more noticeable, and contributes to the dreaded “black dot” look so many associate with clogged pores.

The second biggest contributor to clogged pores? A lack of regular exfoliation. When dead skin cells, debris, and bacteria mix with sebum on the face, the pores will become clogged and look larger and darker in appearance. 

Dermatologists currently break clogged pores down into three categories:

  • Sebaceous filaments – pores clogged with sebum plugs
  • Congestion / congested pores – a combination of sebum, dirt, and dead skin 
  • Oxidized pore plug – blackheads

Regardless of the specific type of clogged pores plaguing a consumer, there is a simple and effective solution to cleaning out pores and minimizing their appearance quickly.

The secret to unclogging pores

The key to unclogging pores on the face is to exfoliate regularly. However, the type of exfoliation is of the utmost importance. Manual exfoliators, like scrubs or rubs, can actually exacerbate pore size and shape and even cause scratches, microtears, and abrasions to the face. 

“Scrubbing your face won’t make it any cleaner, but scrubbing can irritate your skin, which can make your pores look larger,” explains the American Academy of Dermatologists. “For these reasons, you want to be very gentle with your skin…”

Instead of manual scrubs, the proper exfoliation technique for unclogging pores is chemical exfoliation, via the Alpha Hydroxy Acid superstar glycolic acid.

Glycolic acid to the rescue

Glycolic acid is the ultimate at unclogging pores, thanks to its unmatched exfoliating capabilities.

When topically applied, glycolic acid is able to quickly permeate the skin cell and dissolve the bonds holding dead cells, excess sebum, and dirt together. As glycolic acid literally sweeps out the pore-clogging debris from the skin cell, pore size is reduced, as is the traditional darkened appearance of a clogged pore.

Additionally, glycolic acid is ace at unclogging pores, due to its ability to drive new skin cells to the surface of the face. Slower cellular turnover, whether caused by aging, stress, or poor diet, can lead to pores to become clogged with dead skin cells. Luckily for consumers, regular use of glycolic acid will spur new skin cells to the surface of the face. These new skin cells are more likely to exfoliate on a regular schedule, which helps ensure less clogging in the future.

Poreless perfection

Clogged pores are a pesky problem for many. However, regular chemical exfoliation is an easy, affordable solution to this all-too-common skincare issue. For consumers perpetually struggling with clogged pores, glycolic acid based skincare products are the most gentle and effective solution to banishing black dots for good.