Today is one of the most exciting times in history for cosmetic and beauty product formulators, manufacturers and purchasers. Thanks to incredible innovations in delivery system technology, formulators are now offering the most effective skincare products ever to bring consumers the myriad of results and beautiful, healthy skin and hair they lust after.

And fast, visible results are definitely what consumers are craving, based on their record rates of skin care product purchasing.

According to a new report, the global skin care product market is projected to reach $177.15 billion USD by 2024, with the U.S. market alone exceeding 19.7 billion by that same year. 

Simply put, skincare devotees are obsessed with buying the most effective, exciting, and innovative products they can get their hands on and manufacturers are seizing on this opportunity by creating products utilizing the most capable delivery systems ever brought to market.

Why are delivery systems vital?

Global Skincare Sales 2024

Although many consumers are unaware of the important role delivery systems play in their favorite skincare product, delivery systems are one of the most critical components to ensuring the overall functionality and performance of a product.

First and foremost, delivery systems drive active ingredients into the skin. Active ingredients are the agents that produce and promote the beneficial health or beautifying effects consumers want for their skin after a product application. Common active ingredients in skincare products include hyaluronic acid, for anti-aging and moisture, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide for fighting acne, and the impressive family of Alpha Hydroxy Acids, which help with everything from reducing fine lines and wrinkles to inducing rapid exfoliation.

Delivery systems transport the active ingredient in a skincare product past the surface of the skin and deep into the epidermis, where the ingredient can function at the highest capacity and deliver the absolute best results. Without the transporting function of a delivery system, an active ingredient will merely sit on the surface of the face or body’s skin, and only perform at a sliver of its actual capabilities.

Bottom line? If there’s not an effective delivery system, there’s no effectiveness to a skincare product.

Infinitec Drone Delivery

Delivering innovation

Excitingly, today, some delivery systems are the active ingredient, like Infinitec’s X50 Anti-Aging, an anti-wrinkle active ingredient that stimulates the collagen and elastin synthesis, or Infinitec’s X50 Hyalufiller,  an active ingredient with a specific peptide that stimulates the expression of hyaluronic acid and creates an anti-wrinkle effect.

This innovation in active ingredient delivery systems represents an exciting new frontier for manufacturers to experiment with and for consumers to achieve the fastest, most visible results for their skin yet.

The other critical function of delivery systems in skin care product formulations is their ability to stabilize active ingredients. Many active ingredients are biologically unstable and can be affected or changed by a variety of factors, including shifts in temperatures, pH levels, light, and oxidation.

Great delivery systems make sure active ingredients arrive at their intended destination at the optimal consistency, temperature, pH, and in the correct amount of time to yield superlative results.

Additionally, delivery systems can help prevent the rapid degradation of active ingredients. Without effective delivery systems, many skincare products would only live a short life, before heading to their final stop – the trash can.

What makes the magic happen?

Thanks to incredible innovations in delivery systems, consumers now have the opportunity to purchase skincare products that can penetrate their skin to deliver visible results in record time. Meanwhile, delivery systems like those from Infinitec are making it feasible for formulators to harness positively futuristic developments in technology to devise new and compelling products.

If there’s a “secret sauce” used in creating a winning skin care product, innovative delivery systems are definitely what makes the magic happen.