Skin care and beauty product delivery systems have the beauty world abuzz, as insiders and influential editors are finally beginning to translate the critical importance of these systems to consumers.

Their most important aspect? The delivery system’s capability to deliver and release the key, active ingredient within a product in a timely and efficient manner. Excitingly, as the phrase “cosmetic delivery system” becomes a part of the skincare lexicon, consumers are now also able to enjoy the most innovative delivery systems yet thanks to new technologies like the Infinitec line of delivery systems.

Why are delivery systems so important?

delivery system is the technology within a skincare product that both stabilizes and integrates the active ingredients (peptides, vitamins, minerals, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, etc.) into the product formulation. A delivery system is critical for a product’s efficacy for two key reasons. First, a delivery system allows the active ingredients to penetrate the skin cell, and not merely reside on the skin’s surface. Then, after penetration, the delivery system ensures the active ingredient heads to the targeted receptor cell, with minimal interaction, for maximum efficiency.

It’s the targeted release function that especially makes high-tech delivery systems like the Infinitec line such a win-win for both skin care product purchasers and manufacturers. Consumers using products with high-tech delivery systems are on the receiving end of the most efficacious products available. Meanwhile, delivery systems with innovative targeted release technologies help manufacturers create formulations with lower dosages of expensive, unstable, and easily degradable active ingredients.

The targeted release function makes high-tech delivery systems a win-win for both skin care product purchasers and manufacturers.

Innovation with Infinitec

The incorporation of active ingredients and their subsequent effective release in a formulation is always a challenge for manufacturers. However, the revolutionary Infinitec line of delivery systems helps mitigate this problem with a unique Cosmetic Drone™ technology that offers the most effective targeted release function yet.

The Infinitec cosmetic drone first works by entrapping the desired active ingredient within a biodegradable X50 capsule. These capsules measure between 175 and 300 nanometers in size, and are double-layered; the inner  is polylactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA), widely used in drugs, and the outer layer of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). A peptide ligand is covalently bound to the outer shell of the capsule that directs the capsule to a specific receptor on a target cell. The X50 capsule and the targeted receptor cell chemically bond, and the drone penetrates the skin cell. The biodegradable polymers of the X50 capsule then naturally metabolize, allowing the active ingredient to slowly and steadily diffuse over time.

This precise direction and targeted release of active ingredients make the Infinitec cosmetic drone system advantageous to formulators in two critical ways. First, the delivery of a specific X50 capsule to a specific receptor cell ensures minimal interaction of the active ingredient with other extraneous cells. This both safeguards the integrity of the active ingredient and ensures the utmost efficacy of a skincare product.

Additionally, the accuracy of the Infinitec Cosmetic Drone™ delivery system truly maximizes the efficiency of an active ingredient, offering the opportunity to formulate products with lower doses of unstable, high-cost active ingredients that still create the results consumers want.

Innovation at the micro level, with macro results

So while it’s a technology that functions at almost the smallest of scales, delivery technologies like this are a huge step forward in terms of efficacy and innovation.

A targeted release delivery system like the Infinitec line of high-tech delivery systems is a boon to both manufacturers and consumers. Manufacturers can formulate highly innovative and exciting new products to consumers in a cost-effective manner, and consumers can enjoy the benefits of these highly efficient skin care products.