Rough, bumpy skin is a common consumer complaint, and can lead to a dull complexion. However, rough skin can be smoothed out and healed with the help of glycolic acid, the top ingredient for gentle and effective exfoliation.

What causes rough skin?

There are many causes of rough skin, but perhaps the top driver is the accumulation of dry, dead, and damaged skin cells on the surface of the skin. Lack of regular exfoliation can exacerbate this buildup, as does the aging process, when skin cell turnover naturally slows down.

“After the age of 30, skin cell turnover starts to slow down. This means that your body does not naturally shed cells as efficiently from the surface of the skin. As the cells accumulate, the skin does not reflect light as well, which contributes to the loss of radiance and uneven texture,”  dermatologist Joshua Zeichner, MD, told WhoWhatWear.

There are many causes of rough skin, but perhaps the top driver is the accumulation of dry, dead, and damaged skin cells on the surface of the skin. Lack of regular exfoliation can exacerbate this buildup, as does the aging process, when skin cell turnover naturally slows down.

“After the age of 30, skin cell turnover starts to slow down. This means that your body does not naturally shed cells as efficiently from the surface of the skin. As the cells accumulate, the skin does not reflect light as well, which contributes to the loss of radiance and uneven texture,”  dermatologist Joshua Zeichner, MD, told WhoWhatWear.

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Superior exfoliation

To smooth out a rough skin texture, regular exfoliation is key. However, manual exfoliation with gritty scrubs or dry brushes can actually irritate the skin more, and cause redness, flaking, and even abrasions.

Instead, gentle chemical exfoliation with glycolic acid helps to shed off the accumulated dry skin cells that can cause uneven and rough texture. 

Glycolic acid’s small molecule size and weight allow it to quickly and effectively permeate the skin cell and loosen the bonds holding dry, dead skin cells together. By shedding off these older, dead skin cells, glycolic acid rapidly improves texture and smoothness and creates a more radiant tone.

Supporting hydration

Additionally, glycolic acid offers another key benefit to smooth skin seekers: help with hydration.

Glycolic acid is the perfect partner to moisturizing products, thanks to its ability to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin.  Old or damaged skin cells are less able to absorb moisturizing products, and dull the effectiveness of protectants.

However, chemical exfoliation with glycolic acid prior to moisturization ensures skin is primed, prepped and ready to fully soak in hydrating formulations. The end result? Smoother skin, that looks firmer.

Glycolic acid is a top-notch choice for smoothing out skin texture

A collagen booster

Finally, glycolic acid is a top-notch choice for smoothing out skin texture, thanks to its role in supporting collagen production.

Collagen is the essential structural protein found in connective tissues and provides structure to the skin. Collagen is critical to maintaining skin  smoothness and firmness, but collagen production naturally slows with aging.

However, regular use of glycolic acid has been shown to stimulate fibroblast production of collagen, according to a study in Dermatological Surgery, and support smoother, firmer skin.

“By stimulating collagen production, glycolic acid helps skin feel firmer and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles. Between the superficial action on your stratum corneum and the work it does below, “your skin will feel smoother and look more radiant and even-toned,” according to Alix Shapiro, skin therapist, in Glamour.

Smooth sailing

Smooth skin looks healthier, younger, and more radiant. By sloughing off accumulated skin cells, supporting collagen production, and paving the way for maximum moisturization, glycolic acid is the perfect ingredient to deliver consumers smooth skin fast.