As more U.S. citizens practice social distancing and self-isolation due to the spread of the coronavirus, there is a bright light amidst all of the fear and uncertainty. Skincare products and routines are providing a welcome avenue for self-care and relaxation for consumers during these unprecedented times.

“As Americans shut themselves into their homes during the coronavirus outbreak, many are finding comfort in their skincare routines,” explains Business Insider. “A quick scroll through social media seems to indicate that…(consumers) are turning to skincare during self-isolation and quarantine.”

Despite nationwide uncertainty and a widespread shutdown of schools, stores, and offices, many experts predict skincare sales will continue to perform over the next few months. Why? Right now, more than ever, skincare offers scared, anxious consumers feelings of relief, relaxation, and control.

Skincare sales continue to outperform

Skincare outperformed other personal care sectors like hair care and cosmetics in 2019, and the latest NPD data confirms skincare continues to dominate in early 2020.

In fact, American prestige beauty sales grew 3% in January and February of this year, according to the recent NPD group data. Additionally, dollar and in-store beauty sales grew 4%, while skincare increased an incredible 13% during the week ending in February 29, 2020.

Despite the coronavirus outbreak, many industry experts forecast this strong skincare showing will carry on to the later half of the year.

“Personally, due to a positive coronavirus case in my community, I am on day seven of social distancing. I have washed my hair once and worn no makeup in that time. My skincare routine, however, remains intact….” noted Larissa Jensen, NPD’s beauty industry advisor, of the data. “…As we are directed to self-isolate for our own safety and that of others, women still want to look and feel beautiful, even if they’ll be living in pajamas at home for the next several weeks.”

The promise of relaxation and routine

For many consumers, a skincare routine provides a degree of normalcy to their days right now, even as daily life halts to a grind.

“When self-quarantining, a lot of your normal routines — trips to the gym, daily grocery runs — must change out of necessity. But you can, for the most part, maintain a skincare routine,” explains Chloe Bryan. “It might even provide a much-needed sense of normalcy when it feels like everything else is changing fast.”

Additionally, adherence to the steps of a daily and nighttime skincare routine can also help anxious consumers feel a modicum of control during these unprecedented times. 

Finally, skincare offers up another huge benefit to stressed consumers right now. Specialized treatments like facials, glycolic acid-based peels, and sheet masks take time to apply and use, which can provide a welcome distraction during the stir-crazy-making times of social distancing. 

The lipstick theory 

Many experts also see hope for steady skincare sales during COVID-19, per “the lipstick theory.” 

The lipstick theory is the idea that consumers will continue to spend small amounts of discretionary income on smaller luxury items (like lipstick or new skincare product), even during economic troubles, to boost their spirits.

“Beauty can be a category where you can get an immediate positive emotional response from a purchase,” UBS analyst Michael Goldsmith told CNBC. “…customers often prioritize buying makeup and skincare items, even as they watch their wallet and sometimes opt for less expensive brands.”

Looking ahead

While the current impact of COVID-19 on the industry is unclear, one thing is certain. Formulators can feel proud knowing their skincare products are providing consumers small measures of respite and relaxation during these stressful times.