Pollution protection is the subject of this edition in our Skin Wellness series.  For the past few months, the narrative in personal care has largely focused on skin barrier protection, and with that we’ve seen a rise in the interest for anti-pollution products.  We know that daily sunscreen protection can help prevent seriously risk to skin, but we’re learning more about the damaging effects that all types of pollution can create to compromise the skin barrier.  

For many years now, anti-pollution products in personal care have been popular in Europe and China, but, only recently have we seen more products introduced in the US for environmental protection. 

Most people are aware of the damage that UV exposure can cause to their skin and use sunscreens as their main protection.  However, as consumers become more knowledgeable about the damage that different environmental factors can cause, they seek broader and additional multi-tasking protective solutions.  

Science and technology have helped advance innovation in skincare, giving formulators and brands more options to develop anti-pollution products that help prevent, protect, and repair the skin from the damage caused by a variety of pollutants. 

Traci Cassell

Traci Cassell, vice president, Anti-Aging for Coast Southwest, brings an expertise and focus in personal care specialty ingredients, expanding Coast Southwest’s strategic emphasis on innovative anti-aging and skincare solutions. With strong experience in all phases of product marketing and brand building, Traci collaborates with chemists, formulators, and product development teams at our customers and suppliers, as well as Coast Southwest’s sales and technical support teams, to advance ingredient innovation in personal care applications.

Why do we need pollution protection?

We can’t avoid exposure to environmental pollution, it’s everywhere, both indoors and outdoors.

From UV rays to blue light and pollution, “all these environmental factors work by creating oxidative damage in the skin, which breaks down collagen and may also serve to damage the barrier function of the skin.  A damaged barrier makes skin more prone to the ill effects of UV damage,” says Jennifer Chwalek, MD, a dermatologist at Union Square Laser Dermatology in New York City.

Oxidative damage or stress happens when the level of harmful free radicals present surpasses that of the neutralizing “good guy” antioxidants, according to an article published in Polyphenols in Human Health and Disease in 2014.

From air pollution, infrared radiation to high-energy visible light, all of these can have a negative effect on our skin.  Pollution accelerates skin aging and attacks the body’s first line of defense in a multitude of ways.  Sub-micro particles can penetrate the epidermis and lead to the breakdown of the lipid matrix in the skin barrier. This network of ceramides, fatty free acids, and cholesterols is vital to maintaining moisture and hydration in the skin, and helps to promote a younger, healthier, and more radiant complexion.  

Over time, the damage triggered by pollutants can cause premature aging.  Pollution throws skin’s microbiome out of balance by significantly disrupting its barrier, which exacerbates the effects of all types of air pollution. The list of problems that airborne pollutants cause is not a pretty picture:

  • Brown spots
  • Uneven, dull skin tone
  • Breakdown of skin’s supportive elements (wrinkles)
  • Enlarged pores
  • Sensitive, redness-prone skin
  • Uncomfortably dry, itchy skin

How do we counteract the effects of pollution?

Protection and prevention during the day can help ward off the damaging effects of pollutants.  Using products that contain anti-oxidants will help neutralize free radicals and oxidation. Washing off the heavy metals and pollutants on the skin after exposure is another critical step, along with exfoliation, can help prevent the accumulative damage. 

As much as we try to reduce the effects and potential damage, it’s still inevitable.  Repairing the skin is just as important as protecting it. “During the night, your skin actually absorbs the nutrients in your products better than during the daytime,” according to Parvaneh Rafaeloff, MD, medical doctor at Le Jolie Medi Spa. “Additionally, there aren’t environmental stressors at night (like environmental pollution and sun damage) while you sleep; products are able to better penetrate when you’re not wearing makeup and the skin can breathe,” she adds.

Formulators can help consumers protect their skin from pollution in two key ways—prevention and repair. With preventative, shielding formulations that use advanced ingredient technology to block damaging sub-micro pollutant particles from entering the epidermis can lead to products that offer up a highly effective line of defense.

Ingredients and products that repair damage by removing sub-micro particles from pores, are also critical for the treatment and improvement of pollution-damaged skin.

“The latest generation of skincare products contains antioxidants targeted toward environmental damage and will continue to grow in popularity in 2020,” according to dermatologist, Joshua Zeichner, MD.

Advanced ingredient technology to the rescue

Highly effective pollution protection calls for advanced ingredient technology, delivered in the purest form.

Infinitec created an active delivery system called, Activys Anti-Pollution, which is a cutting-edge ingredient for anti-pollution formulations. With anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, it is excellent for sensitive skin and provides instant protection against the adhesion of particulate matter. Additionally, Activys Anti-Pollution increases cell viability, even in the presence of heavy metals.

Thanks to the encapsulation of active marine and algae like aspergillus ferment, spirulina platensis, ascophyllum nodosum, and phomidium persecinum, Activys Anti-Pollution shields against free radicals, improves DNA protection, and increases antioxidant synthesis.

The marine algae in Activys Anti-Pollution is so effective for pollution protection formulations because algae serves as a naturally strong pollutant shield. Marine algae grows in harsh conditions where temperatures, pH levels, light, and bacteria levels constantly shift and change. To adapt and thrive under these intense conditions, marine algae serves as its own shield. When used in an anti-pollution formulation, marine algae can offer the same shield-like function to help block the damage caused by pollution to human skin.

Activys Anti-Pollution can provide anti-pollution protection, while simultaneously reducing inflammation, premature aging, uneven color, acne, and support the healthiest skin microbiome and barrier function possible.

Protecting the skin we’re in

As interest in skin wellness and health grows, savvy consumers will increasingly seek education on the products and ingredients that affect the body’s largest health and wellness protection organ: the skin. 

With growing scientific research and interest surrounding epigenetics, the skin barrier, the microbiome, and pollution protection, formulators are developing cutting-edge insights and learning to apply advanced ingredient technology to offer consumers innovations in skin health, wellness, and protection.

Formulators who deliver protective and preventive products that harness the power of high-tech, high-quality ingredients can help consumers protect, repair, improve, and ultimately, love the skin they’re in.