We’re proud to be included in ICIS Chemical Business‘s 2017 list of the Top 100 Chemical Distributors in North America. What’s even more humbling? How it’s the tenth consecutive year we’ve been privileged to be included on that list, going back to the time when the NACD first instituted it.

All the companies listed are contributors to a vital, thriving industry that underpins the success of many other sectors in the U.S. and world economy. Each enterprise listed has its own formula for success, and we applaud every one of them for being honored this way.  When you’re that good, you raise the game for everyone, and that forces us all to be better at what we do.

How has Coast Southwest been able to maintain its place in the ICIS Top 100? We’ve got to give credit to the qualities that others seem to value the most from us. We’ve worked long and hard to build a reputation and business upon these bedrock attributes. So we’re honored at any recognition for that effort, whether it’s from ICIS or our customers and supplier partners.

There’s a line we like to use, “we’re more than just trucks and warehouses,” that sums it up pretty well. There’s been a lot more than logistics and facilities involved:


It’s not just the quality of our service that our customers appreciate, but the range of services we supply. We’re a rarity in our industry, acting as a “supermarket”providing resources nobody else offers in one place: formulation, manufacturing, sourcing, distribution and more. Why don’t more firms take this approach? We’re not sure, but we know it’s been a big difference-maker in the eyes of our customers.


We team up with customers and suppliers to deliver answers to every challenge, in what we call “solutions-based selling”.  Providing a high level of collaboration can’t be mere lip service, but must be part of any company’s DNA. That’s especially true in the sectors we service. To overcome the complexities that are par for the course, we’ve all got to work together. Those can range from regulatory demands to competitive pressures and more. It can be daunting sometimes, but we’re able to rise to those challenges thanks to terrific, ongoing partnerships with others.


Constant innovation and invention, whether to tackle specific formulation needs or long-term trends and future developments, drive our industry forward. It’s why we invested in our full-service Innovation Center in Arlington, Texas, and in a team of formulators and scientists able to tackle practically any challenge that comes their way.

Adding Value

Adding value is about more than the kind of value that falls to the bottom line (though that obviously matters!). It’s also about providing insight, responsiveness, perspective, and engagement. Going the extra distance on every project invariably pays off for everyone involved, as we’ve discovered over the years. It may be in ways that are not immediately obvious, but that really matter over time. It’s how we’re able to enjoy so many long-standing relationships with so many good people in this industry.

Agility & Responsiveness

One of our defining goals? Being able to help solve our customer’s problems quickly, and open up new opportunities by pivoting quickly. Maintaining that agility involves staying on top of industry intelligence, scientific advances, and global relationships. All of that helps in keeping this business inspiring and energizing for all of us.


We always work hard at keeping our industry, country, communities, and employees safe and strong. We take that very seriously, and we’re lucky to be part of an organization like the NACD that’s dedicated to furthering those goals.

Great People

Last but far from least, great people are always contributing great work at every level of Coast Southwest. They’re committed to doing an exceptional job, day in and day out, on behalf of suppliers and customers alike. They’re our real source of success.