Consumers are on the hunt for eco-friendly brands and personal care products, and formulators are riding the green tidal wave with reduced packaging, more natural and organic claims, and a focus on ingredients harvested from the planet.
But, there’s now a new trend for environmentally friendly beauty, that’s proving to be especially enticing to eco-minded consumers. Zero waste personal care products, or formulations that use ingredients typically headed for the trash.
“Sub-Zero Waste was Mintel’s top industry trend for 2019, which the firm concludes “is not a trend, it’s a movement towards a ground-shaking new archetype for the industry,” explains Global Cosmetics Industry. “It’s not hard to see the public waking up to waste.”
As zero waste beauty products grow in prestige for eco-minded consumers, this new, ultra-sustainable angle to cosmetics and personal care formulations is set to become a dominant force that shapes the industry in coming years.
Waste-free beauty
The idea behind waste-free beauty is simple: reduce the impact on the environment by minimizing waste as much as possible.
For consumers increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their beauty purchases, zero waste products are the perfect solution. Zero waste products can help assuage the worry, guit, and fear associated with buying new beauty items, while still allowing for the indulgence of new purchases. For formulators, waste-free beauty is an excellent way to reduce industry impact.
Currently, waste-free beauty brands are attempting to reduce waste in two key ways: sidestream valorization and upcycling.
Sidestream valorization
Sidestream valorization, or the incorporation of side stream products from other industries into cosmetic formulations, is one of the hottest ways the personal care industry is attempting to revolutionize formulations into waste-free products.
Sidestream valorization works by separating or extracting the high-quality components from side stream items, for use in personal care products. For example, extracting dye, pigments, nutrients, vitamins, or minerals from the by-products of other industries like farms, breweries, bakeries, or industrial plants.
The overarching philosophy of side stream valorization is to treat waste as the resource, and use it in exciting, innovative ways. This can help reduce the impact on the current (and limited) animal, mineral and plant supply and shrink the demand for non-renewable materials.
“Reusing side-streams ensures more sustainable sourcing, and it often also accounts for a cheaper production, as these products are lower-priced than virgin resources,” Dr. Evelyne Zürcher, project manager at RethinkResource, said to GCI. “Moreover…consumers are very likely to opt for the more sustainable product.”
For consumers, the appeal of beauty products that reduce their eco footprint and deliver results is unbeatable. For formulators, side stream valorization offers a cost-efficient way to update formulations.
Additionally, upcycling, or turning unwanted materials and waste into new products and formulations, is another way personal care manufacturers are reducing their environmental impact and waste.
There are several categories of commonly used upcycling products:
- Fruit and vegetable by-products: leftover pulp, stems, peelings, juices
- “Ugly” produce: aesthetically unpleasant fruits, vegetables, and grains can be repurposed for formulations
- Hard shells: Coffee grinds, cocoa shells, discarded pits
- Charcoal: a by-product left over from wood smelting and burning processes
- Consumer waste: recycled paper and plastic can be repurposed into packaging
Adding upcycled ingredients into a personal care formulation comes with several benefits. For the consumer, the upcycle story and minimized environmental impact can create positive feelings and entice future purchases from a brand.
Upcycling turns unwanted materials and waste into new products and formulations
For formulators, upcycled ingredients are an excellent, cost-efficient way to minimize industrial waste and appeal to consumers with a transparent, planet-friendly message.
The green future in formulation
The desire for environmentally-friendly beauty products is here to stay. Consumers want their beauty products, and want to reduce their eco-footprint. Zero waste formulations are the perfect opportunity to appeal to this desire and reduce overall industry impact: a win-win for all.