Hyperpigmentation and dark skin under the arms is a common occurrence. However, this prevalent skin issue can bother consumers who dislike the uneven skin tone.

“For many people, dark underarms can be a source of embarrassment. Darker underarm skin can keep some people from dressing in sleeveless tops, wearing bathing suits in public, and participating in sports,” explains Healthline. “Like skin blemishes and discoloration on other parts of the body, dark underarms can result in a lack of confidence and self-esteem.”

For consumers seeking to reduce dark skin patches under the arms, glycolic acid is a fast, effective, and dermatologist-approved solution.

What causes dark underarms?

There are a wide variety of reasons for dark skin under the arms. Hyperpigmentation patches that rapidly develop can be cause for concern and should be checked by a doctor for underlying issues. Additionally, hyperpigmentation under the arms can be a result of genetics, and is more prevalent in those with darker skin tones.

However, there are also many external factors that can cause darker skin under the arms.

Deodorants and antiperspirants can irritate the underarm skin and lead to inflammation, skin thickening, and darkening over time.

In addition, shaving can also irritate the skin, especially if done on dry skin or with a dull blade. Over time, the frequent irritation from shaving can cause the skin to darken and thicken under the arms.

If hyperpigmentation under the arms is purely a cosmetic issue, there is a simple and effective treatment: glycolic acid.

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Gentle exfoliation

The key to lessening hyperpigmentation under the arms lies in exfoliation. However, many consumers attempt to remedy dark under armskin with harsh, rough scrubs.

But, grainy scrubs can actually increase irritation on the delicate skin under the arms and lead to even thicker, more discolored skin.

“While scrubbing with raw sugar might seem like a good idea, it’ll only further irritate the area, which will cause more thickening if you do it excessively. Sheel Desai Solomon, MD, also advises staying away from harsh, in-store scrubs that have sharp-edged particles, which could cause micro-abrasions,” explains Refinery29.

Instead, chemical exfoliation with Alpha Hydroxy Acids like glycolic acid is the key to reducing hyperpigmentation under the arms.

How does glycolic acid help?

Glycolic acid helps to treat hyperpigmentation under the arms with superior exfoliation.

When applied topically to the skin under the arms, glycolic acid weakens and dissolves the connections holding cells together in the top layer of skin.

Glycolic acid is a superior exfoliator

This allows for the discolored, irritated, and damaged skin cells on the surface of the underarms to be easily sloughed away. With this gentle chemical exfoliation, glycolic acid is able to both shed off the thicker skin under the arms and lessen the color of hyperpigmented patches.

Stop the cycle

Additionally, glycolic acid drives new skin cells to the surface of the skin, which helps to create more evenly toned skin over time.

 “Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Beta Hydroxy Acids are mild acids that dissolve the dead top layers of the skin and allow healthier new cells from the bottom to surface and repopulate the skin,”  Julie Russak, MD, told Real Simple.

Regular use of glycolic acid on the underarm skin can help to keep skin consistently refreshed and renewed, and stop the cycle of thickening skin that leads to underarm hyperpigmentation.

More even skin tone

Dark skin under the arms can be remedied with the workhorse skincare ingredient glycolic acid. A superior chemical exfoliator, glycolic acid can slough off thickened, discolored skin cells and drive healthy new cells to the surface of the underarm skin. 

For consumers that want to even out hyperpigmentation under their arms, gentle exfoliation with glycolic acid is the ultimate at-home solution.