Smooth, glowing skin is desired by consumers of all ages, but sun exposure, pollution, aging, and stress can all exacerbate and increase the appearance of fine lines.

Luckily for consumers, super exfoliator glycolic acid is the perfect ingredient to help minimize the appearance of fine lines.

“Though glycolic acid is most known for its chemical exfoliation abilities, the ingredient is actually even more versatile than is commonly understood. In fact, according to Dr. Shari Marchbein, a board-certified dermatologist and fellow at the Academy of Dermatology, glycolic acid can also “improve moisture content in the skin and improve the appearance of wrinkles and enhance collagen formulation,” according to Glamour.

The ultimate anti-aging skincare solution, glycolic acid works to reduce the appearance of fine lines by smoothing out skin texture, increasing collagen synthesis, and boosting hyaluronic acid production.

Tightening up texture

A superior chemical exfoliator, glycolic acid works to break down the gluey bonds that hold skin cells together. By deeply penetrating the skin cell and sloughing off older, dead cells, skin treated with glycolic acid can look tighter, smoother, and less lined.

“In a study of the efficacy of glycolic acid for treating wrinkles, researchers found that glycolic acid both reduced the number of wrinkles as well as the length of wrinkles. Glycolic acid exfoliates by dissolving dead skin cells, and this removal of dead skin cells flattens the skin’s surface. This flattening effect is what makes fine lines and wrinkles less noticeable,” according to

Olivatis Emulsifiers

Speeding up cell turnover

In addition to smoothing out skin texture, glycolic acid also offers another anti-aging benefit. Glycolic acid triggers new, healthy cells to the surface of the skin. These new skin cells are more apt to exfoliate regularly, which also helps to create the appearance of smoother, firmer, and less lined-looking skin.

A collagen supporter

Additionally, glycolic acid can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, as it triggers collagen production.

Collagen is the protein found in connective tissues that provides provides skin structure, pliability, and firmness. However, collagen production naturally slows with age, which can lead to sagging and more lined looking skin.

But, regular use of glycolic acid can actually increase the fibroblasts’ production of collagen, and help to maintain firmer, plumper skin over time.

“Glycolic acid has effective skin-renewing properties, so it is often used in anti-aging products. It can help smooth fine wrinkles and improve the skin’s tone and texture….Using glycolic acid regularly can help prevent this breakdown of collagen,” according to VeryWellHealth.

For long-term help with combatting the appearance of fine lines, glycolic acid is key.

“Glycolic acid can help smooth fine wrinkles and even out skin tone and texture.”

Moisture binder

Finally, glycolic acid can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, thanks to its ability to boost the production of hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid helps to bind and trap water to collagen, which promotes skin plumpness. Unfortunately, just like collagen, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases with age.

The good news? In addition to stimulating collagen production, glycolic acid also boosts the production of hyaluronic acid.

Glycolic acid is a workhorse ingredient that can help the skin appear tighter, smoother, and more plump. By promoting collagen and hyaluronic acid production and smoothing out skin texture, glycolic acid is the perfect aid to reduce the appearance of fine lines.

“Glycolic acid acts by thinning the stratum corneum, promoting epidermolysis and dispersing basal layer melanin. It increases dermal hyaluronic acid and collagen gene expression by increasing secretion of IL-6 [30],” Glycolic acid: Characterization of a new final irrigant and effects on flexural strength and structural integrity of dentin, Dermatologic Surgery.

Anti-aging solutions with glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is a workhorse ingredient that can help the skin appear tighter, smoother, and more plump. By promoting collagen and hyaluronic acid production and smoothing out skin texture, glycolic acid is the perfect aid to reduce the appearance of fine lines