Pores. How can these tiny, minute openings in our skin drive consumers so insane? Let us count the ways: pores can be too bigtoo deep, or be clogged. Enlarged pores look “dirty” and make faces feel “gross.” In fact, everyone is so obsessed with their pore size, dermatologists have even coined a moniker for the preoccupation: “porexia,” or the fixation on pore size. It seems smaller pores are universally desired by everyone, and yet nearly invisible pores elude most.

American women ages 20-35 name pore refinement as their number one skin concern.

In a recent study conducted by skincare line SK-II, it was found that American women between the ages of 20 to 35 name pore refinement as their number one skin concern; further, 71% of the 500 respondents say they feel more confident when their pores are less noticeable, and 74% say they believe that having smaller pores makes skin look more youthful,” according to the article Get Perfect Pores, Once and For All in Elle Magazine.

Those seeking out smaller pores don’t need to resort to exotic means, like a Honey, I Shrunk The Pores! shrink ray to reduce the appearance of large, unsightly pores. Instead, the smallest of the alpha hydroxy acid molecules, glycolic acid, can help reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and improve overall skin health.

Let’s keep it clean!

Pores are the openings in skin where hair follicles protrude out from. Every pore also contains a sebaceous gland, which produces your skin’s oils. Pores are naturally larger where the sebaceous gland is larger, like the on the nose and forehead. While pore size is mostly genetically determined, there are a number of outside factors influencing the size of pores.

Skin that is naturally oilier will have larger pores, and pores with trapped sebum or dead skin cells will become enlarged. Especially nasty pimples can stretch out pores. Aging and UV ray Damage is another factor of larger pores, as is decreased collagen production. And, the real kicker: picking at clogged pores or blemishes can damage skin and widen the size of a pore.

However, a routine use of glycolic acid based facial care can significantly shrink the appearance of pores and provide quick-acting relief to those with “porexia.” Glycolic acid is well touted by dermatologists and skin care professionals alike for its amazing exfoliating capabilities. And frequent exfoliation of the face is critical to reducing pore size, as trapped dead skin cells and sebum are a huge contributor to bigger pores.

How glycolic acid keeps pores pacified

A daily or tri-weekly (for sensitive skin) use of glycolic acid packed facial wash or scrub is the first step to sweeping away trapped dead cells and keeping pores cleansed. Additionally, for those looking for a more intense treatment, an over-the-counter glycolic acid peel or mask is a great way to speed up the exfoliation process and shrink the appearance of pores over time.

Glycolic acid is also killer at reducing pore size, thanks to its ability to boost collagen production. When collagen breaks down from aging or UV damage, “pores begin to look stretched around the edges” (i.e. larger) according to Jennifer Linder, MD. However, a study in Dermatological Surgery found glycolic acid treatments “increase fibroblasts’ production of collagen in vivo (in hairless mice) and in vitro (in human skin fibroblast culture) better than either lactic acid or malic acid.”

Learn about GlyAcid®

The new global benchmark for high purity glycolic acid.

Taking control of pesky pores

Glycolic acid’s ability to boost collagen production is great news for those prone to enlarged pores. Applications of a glycolic acid based lotiongel, or a glycolic acid toner are all excellent actions to stimulate that collagen production and shrink the appearance of pesky pores. Or, for an even more intensive, collagen-boosting and exfoliating treatment, a dermatologist-performed glycolic acid peel can be a lightning-quick way to achieve the appearance of perfect pores.

Enlarged pores don’t need to drive consumers crazy any longer. It’s time to say goodbye to “porexia” forever with the wonder ingredient, glycolic acid!