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At-Home Beauty Tech is Here to Stay
As consumers demand more personalized, customized skincare, at-home beauty tech tools deliver data and results.
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FilterThe Growth of the Men’s Makeup Market
Hot on the heels of the growing men’s skincare market, makeup for men is now seeing a boost in consumer interest
The Problems With Popular Home Pore Extraction Tools
Many consumers are now attempting to DIY their own pore extractions - with often disastrous results.
Glycolic Acid Serums: A Fast Track to More Youthful Skin
Glycolic acid-based serums are scoring especially big with consumers seeking anti-aging skincare products to improve their skin.
Derms Warn Against Dangerously Strong Skin Peels
Consumers are purchasing extremely strong chemical peels - and injuring themselves in the process.
Defeating Fear-Mongering About Personal Care Ingredients
Why are many consumers now irrationally terrified of their own personal care products?
Treating Facial Dark Spots with Glycolic Acid
Dark spots on the face can be the bane of beauty, but glycolic acid is a solution.