The unstoppable sheet mask continues to soar: research projects that the global facial sheet mask market will hit an incredible worth of $449.61 million USD by 2024. There are many drivers behind the sheet mask boom, including an increased desire for affordable, results-driven products, and, perhaps most importantly, a surging demand for glycolic-acid based sheet masks that illuminate and brighten skin tone – fast.
Instant fixes
Sheet masks have skyrocketed in popularity thanks to their affordability, portability, and their superior ability to provide near-instant results.
“Sheet masks…are as key an element of a night out’s pre-game as hot rollers were a few decades ago,” writes Jess Cartner-Morley for The Guardian. “The sheet mask cult represents the rise of the Millennial as the beauty industry’s new target market. A youthful mindset is targeted by the language of instant gratification – a “plumping” effect perfect for looking good for your big night out – rather than by claims of long-lasting impact. Most sheet masks cost about £4 each: expensive, but the sort of one-hit, contactless payment that hurts less than shelling out £70 for a pot of cream.”
In short, sheet masks offer consumers a fast track to improving their skin. And glycolic acid sheet masks are especially in demand from consumers right now, thanks to their reputation for delivering rapid results and providing an instantaneous brightening effect.
Glycolic acid for fast brightening
Glycolic acid is a natural hero ingredient for fast-acting facial sheet masks with brightening or radiance claims. As the smallest Alpha Hydroxy Acid, glycolic acid works to quickly permeate skin cells on the top layer of the face or neck. Once applied, glycolic acid then gently dissolves the glue holding dead or dry skin cells together, and ultimately helps reveal a brighter, healthier complexion.
By working to shed off dead skin cells and rapidly illuminate the complexion, glycolic acid-based sheet masks can help consumers brighten and tighten their skin, in a condensed time frame.
A perfect partner
Glycolic acid is also ace for sheet mask formulations because glycolic acid is an excellent partner in boosting the efficacy of other sheet mask ingredients.
By sloughing off dead skin cells from the topmost layer of skin, glycolic acid drives healthier skin cells to the surface of the face. These new cells are then easily able to absorb plumping, nutrient-boosting ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and the other trendy natural extracts that are often featured in “glow-promoting: sheet masks. The end result of a glycolic acid partnerships? An instantly hydrated face that looks plumper, firmer, and more youthful for a big day or night out.
Seizing on sheet mask demand
Glycolic acid excels in a sheet mask formulation thanks to its ability to quickly exfoliate the complexion and rapidly brighten skin tone.
With no signs of the facial sheet mask demand slowing down, formulators can tap into this escalating, evergreen skincare product with glycolic acid based sheet masks that improve skin tone and create a glowing, radiant complexion within mere minutes.