The organics personal care market is soaring to untold heights, according to a new report by Grand View Research. By 2025, the global organic personal care market is expected to hit an incredible record worth of $11.1 billion USD, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period. What’s behind this unstoppable growth?

The biggest driver is, no doubt. the increased consumer demand for organic haircare and skincare products. As more and more consumers seek out eco-friendly, ethically labeled products free of “harsh” chemicals they believe to be bad for their health and the environment, the organic market continues to swell upwards – and will do so for the next few years.

There are several other surprising factors propelling the organic personal care market upwards. These top drivers include: the improved purchasing power and desire for beauty products by middle class populations in emerging economies, the powerful market share emollients (and thus skincare) cornered last year, and the growing consumer interest in the power of natural fruits, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to improve their health and beauty.

US Organic Personal Care Market

Booming economies, booming demand

Several large, highly populated countries increased their overall purchasing power – and thus their overall purchasing of organic personal care products – last year. Brazil, India, and Mexico all boosted their buying of organic personal care items, and this trend is expected to continue to rise until 2025. Excitingly, new favorable regulatory support in Mexico for investments in the personal care market is predicted to open even more potential options for market growth in the next few years.

Additionally, Asia saw natural and organic cosmetics sales increase by 21% last year, as consumers there are becoming more aware of the ingredients used in beauty and personal care products.  Meanwhile, North America remained the largest purchasing area of organic personal care products. North America is expected to dominate purchasing of the organic personal care market until 2025.

As consumers around the globe experience higher levels of income and learn more the necessity and appeal of maintaining grooming and skin care routines to amplify their health and beauty, the organic market will surely to continue to benefit.

Emollients (and skincare) lead the rest

One of the largest drivers behind the current organic personal care market boom is the sizeable market share emollients seized in 2017. Emollients were such a tremendous part of the organic market for one key reason: skincare. Emollients are a central and vital component of many skincare items, including facial washes, toners, masks, gels, serums, and lotions.

Skincare has held, and continues to hold, the lions’ share of the global organic beauty market, and is expected to keep this toehold until 2025. In fact, skincare is expected to emerge as the most attractive segment of the organic personal care market, with an expected 30.9% piece of the organic pie by 2024, according to new research. As the organic skincare market swells, so too will the overall organic personal care market.

Consumers reach for what’s “clean”

Consumers are increasingly reaching for organic skincare and personal care items for a variety of personal, political, and ethical reasons. A few of the top reasons for snagging an organic shampoo or new foundation? A belief that organic products can deliver safer and more gentle results, a desire for purchasing products that are viewed as less harmful to the environment, and perhaps most interestingly, an increased enthusiasm among consumers about the full spectrum of benefits from natural ingredients for their beauty and health.

Some of the hottest organic and natural ingredients and nutrients consumers are currently looking for (and Googling) in their next personal care purchase include beta-carotene (to prevent sun damage), green tea (for anti-inflammation), soy (for brightening and evening skin tone), tumeric (anti-bacterial and anti-acne), and kale (for skin-tightening).

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As consumer interest in using natural fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals to improve their beauty grows, so too does the organic personal care market. It’s already growing furiously – and we can expect the market to only get more exciting and more prosperous for product innovators as the green, eco-friendly, clean, and natural trend continues to invade consumers’ lives…and dominate their personal care product preferences.