2020 brought unprecedented changes to consumer habits and the skincare industry. Moving into 2021, experts are predicting another landmark year for the skincare industry, defined by a consumer demand for more innovation and high-quality ingredients.

Read on for our analysis of the 5 biggest 2021 skincare trends:

  • skincare acids
  • ingredient transparency
  • maskne treatments
  • blue light blocking and tech protection skincare
  • multitasking formulations

Skincare acids dominate

To begin, one of the biggest skincare trends predicted for 2021 is a carryover from this year. Skincare acids, particularly glycolic acid, are set to enjoy continued popularity in 2021.

“Acid toners, peels and resurfacing products are going nowhere,” Sarah Meadows, head buyer at Space NK, told The Independent. “While the trend has been around a little while now, it continues to go from strength to strength as new and innovative formulas hit the market.”

Skincare acids like glycolic acid hit new heights of popularity this year, as consumers sought out fast, effective options to improve skin texture, reduce breakouts, boost collagen, and achieve the coveted “at-home glow up.”

Moving into the new year, expect glycolic acid and other chemical exfoliants to remain a mainstay of both trendy and timeless formulations.

Trendy transparency

Another massive skincare trend predicted to influence the industry in 2021? Ingredient transparency.

Consider ingredient transparency to be the next iteration of cleangreen, and sustainable skincare. This current generation of consumers wants to truly understand their favorite skincare formulations. In 2021, this desire for skincare education will extend to details on specific ingredients.

“Surveys have indicated that skincare brands touting ingredient transparency are gaining popularity. Consumers want to know what’s in their products, and rightfully so. This added pressure has caused companies to steer towards more sustainable formulas, whether via packaging, formulations, or reducing its carbon footprint,” explains Real Simple.

In 2021, companies that can offer transparency around their ingredients, from sourcing to purity, will experience the most success with clean-conscious consumers.

More maskne treatments

2020 brought the rise of maskne, or breakouts under the areas of facial coverings. Now, experts predict 2021 will bring about a demand for products and formulations specifically designed to combat maskne.

“Many people who never thought twice about the health of their skin or never had ‘problem skin’ are noting increased breakouts and skin irritation with daily mask-wearing.  Because of this, many sought-after medical-grade treatments. In 2021 topicals will be largely focused on reducing active breakouts and treating leftover hyperpigmentation and scarring,” according plastic surgeon Smita R. Ramanadham, MD in PopSugar.

Additionally, expect products that support the skin microbiome to experience a popularity boost, as consumers try to reduce irritation from masks.

Ingredient transparency is the next iteration of clean, green, and sustainable skincare!

Blue light and tech protection skincare

With more consumers at home this year, screen time shot up. This increasingly digital lifestyle led to intensified concerns about the potential damage blue light could have on skin

Now, thanks to this raised awareness about the potential impact of tech on skin, consumers are seeking out blue-light blocking skincare formulations for the new year.

Additionally, concerns about tech neckscreen face, and the damaging free radicals caused by digital pollution, are at an all time high.

Thanks to the pandemic, just about everything in our lives has turned digital. But while the damaging effects of blue light on skin are no secret, companies are discovering more innovative ingredients that can help combat these effects. With ingredients like rosa rubiginosa, licochalcone A, turmeric, and algae, available formulations are only becoming cooler and more effective,” explains Allure.

In 2021, trendy tech-protection skincare could look like formulations featuring:

  • Blue light blocking ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide 
  • Antioxidants like vitamin C and green tea, to reduce damage from free radicals
  • Hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and marine algae, to plump up skin for video calls

“We’re going to start streamlining our skincare routines..”

Dr. Anjali, consultant dermatologist


Finally, skinmalism, or more streamlined skincare, is also expected to score big with consumers in 2021. 

After years of complex skincare routines, consumers are now ready to embrace a more minimalist skincare routine. To this extent, expect consumers to be on the hunt for scientifically researched, results-driven ingredients that can improve skin issues quickly and effectively.

“We are going to start streamlining our skincare routines,” consultant dermatologist Dr Anjali Mahto told Refinery29. “A lot of people are getting to the point where they’ve overdone it and are having bad skin reactions. Many are also still on furlough and are in general economic situations. There is less expendable income, so people are spending less money but on things that actually work.”

For formulators, the skinmalism trend in 2021 will make highly effective ingredients that can deliver bang for their buck more important than ever.