We’ve seen how beauty and science have become more intertwined, with science and technology playing key roles in the advancement of the beauty industry.  Consumers, too, have become more ingredient savvy. They evaluate product quality and performance over marketing hype to maintain their brand loyalty. 

The article, “Can Drone Delivery Technology Make your Skincare More Effective,” found in Vogue UK investigates the new smart skincare focusing on “Drone Delivery” technology, offered by Infinitec Activos, a biotech company located in the Barcelona Science Park in Barcelona, Spain.  

Infinitec offers a variety of delivery platforms for active ingredients that enhance skin penetration, bioavailability, stability, and ingredient performance and efficacy. Infinitec combines ingredients, such as Vitamin C, Retinol and peptides, with their advanced delivery systems to create innovative ingredient technology that allow chemists and formulators to develop smarter and next-generation formulations.

Advanced delivery systems in action 

Over the past two years, we’ve seen an increasing number of beauty brands using these intelligent delivery systems to launch higher-performing skincare and make-up products. To engage consumers and create a loyal following, brands must differentiate themselves and their product offerings to compete with all the noise in the beauty market. It is critical that they continue to stay ahead of the curve by using cutting edge ingredient technology to offer their customers next-generation products that produce real results.

Traci Cassell

Traci Cassell is Vice President, Anti-Aging for Coast Southwest. Traci has more than a decade’s experience in the personal care industry, expanding Coast Southwest’s strategic emphasis on innovative anti-aging skincare and haircare solutions. Traci partners with suppliers from around the world build Coast Southwest’s sophisticated ingredient portfolio, which is based on cutting-edge, cosmetic science and advanced raw material technology. With expert knowledge in all phases of product development, marketing, and brand-building, she and her anti-aging category team technically support Coast Southwest sales representatives and advance customer projects through personalized collaboration with the company’s state-of-the-art applications laboratory.

Amidst the challenges of 2020, companies like Infinitec continue to push the boundaries of ingredient technology innovation to continue to advance the beauty industry. Skincare continues to get smarter.

One of Infinitec’s newest additions to their cutting-edge delivery platforms is the Trojan® Q10.  Launched in June, it is a game-changer in skin-mitochondria therapy and the world’s first mitochondria targeted delivery system. It’s the Trojan Horse of delivery systems.

Mitochondria generate the energy our cells need to function effectively, making them one of the most important components of a cell.  They are at the core of the energy production process but are also responsible for 90 to 95 percent of free radicals in our cells. These free radicals accumulate over time.

This accumulation is a major cause of skin ageing. To counteract this damage, our body synthesizes CoQ10, a natural antioxidant that neutralizes destructive free radicals. However, the more we age, the more damage is accumulated by mitochondria and their activity slows down and our CoQ10 synthesis is reduced.

The Trojan Q10 is based on a dual-delivery system that targets fibroblast and mitochondria to deliver CoQ10 inside the mitochondria, minimizing oxidative stress and helping them recover the original activity level and best performance. Benefits using this advanced delivery system of CoQ10 include:

  • Enhanced penetration in skin
  • Internalization at mitochondrial level and release of CoQ10 into mitochondria
  • Mitochondria protection upon stress and re-energization
  • Collagen synthesis
  • Anti-wrinkle efficacy
  • Firmness and elasticity

Supplemental CoQ10 is not enough

CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant at any level but is mainly consumed before reaching the mitochondria. Therefore, it is unable to restore energy levels, and protect and revive our mitochondria.  It is simply consumed before it gets to the target.

The Trojan Q10 brings CoQ10 to the primary source of free radicals and prevents further damage to cells as it works at the origin of the free radicals’ production.  It rejuvenates mitochondria and restores the delicate balance between energy production and ROS

Product claims with the Trojan Q10

The Trojan Q10 helps stimulate collagen production, improves skin firmness and elasticity and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is a targeted antioxidant that helps reduce damage from free radicals at their source. It helps reduce cell damage from escaping free radicals. It provides cell protection and cell re-energization. 

These benefits are wrapped up in an intelligent ingredient delivery system with a recommended usage level of 0.5 to 1.5 percent. Less is more—and that is what effective and smart ingredient technology can do to continue to advance the beauty industry.