Today, consumers want minimal skincare routines that deliver maximum results. The new trend towards “skipcare’ skincare has boosted the demand for hybrid products that can offer up double-duty benefits in a single package.

One of the hottest new hybrid products consumers want? Toner serums, the new formulations that cleanse, exfoliate, and deliver active ingredients.

“An increasing number of beauty brands are consolidating skin-care products into two-in-one hybrids – like toner serums, a category that is growing in popularity and shaping up to be the next It product in skin care,” according to Danielle Jackson in Yahoo!Life.

As consumers continue to seek out more and more hybrid products, toner serums formulated with hero ingredient glycolic acid are the perfect one-two punch to help create healthier, smoother, and more glowing skin.

Toners vs. serums

Olivatis Emulsifiers

Traditionally, toners and serums have been viewed as two highly different products, each with unique benefits.

Liquid toners are used after facial cleansing and help prep the face for rejuvenating products like serums, masks, or hydrating formulations.  Toners typically contain drying agents and work to reduce sebum or remove dirt.

On the other, serums are thicker, liquid or gel formulations made up of smaller molecules that quickly penetrate the surface of the skin to deliver hefty doses of active ingredients. Serums often contain humectants and oils, in addition to active ingredients.

But, while toners and serums may seem like two very different products, the two often overlap, and can work together to deliver results. For example, toners that moisturize, or exfoliating serums featuring Alpha Hydroxy Acids. 

“Though one might wonder how these two separate forms can be combined, in reality they have overlap and don’t have strict definitions, so I’m not surprised they are being conflated,” dermatologist Dr. Dan Belkin said in The Zoe Report.

Combined powers

Both toners and serums are two products recommended by dermatologists and skincare experts as “essentials” for healthy skin.

“Serums are the powerhouse of the skincare world. Their purpose is to deliver active ingredients to the skin without feeling heavy,” dermatologist Caroline Chang, MD told POPSUGAR. “Toners help to remove any residue left behind after cleansing your skin…a two-in-one toner plus serum is beneficial because it reduces the number of steps it takes to complete your skincare routine.”

Together, toner serums combine the drying and exfoliating benefits of a toner with the rejuvenating, moisturizing, and anti-aging benefits of a serum with a single swipe

Toners and serums can work together to deliver results!

The appeal of toner serums

Two-in-one products like toner serums offer several key benefits to consumers.

To start, a toner-serum reduces the amount of products needed for an effective skincare routine. For consumers increasingly interested in “skipcare” and minimalist skincare, workhorse products that can help streamline a skincare routine are of top interest.

Additionally, hybrid products that offer double-duty benefits may be less irritating for the skin, as opposed to layering on multiple products.

“It turns out that condensing our skincare could have real benefits. In fact, dermatologists say overuse of products has actually become a problem, with patients experiencing sensitized, irritated skin from overdoing it when it comes to skincare,” according to The Zoe Report.

Finally, hybrid products like toner serums are more eco-friendly, thanks to reduced packaging.

“Dermatologists say overuse of products has actually become a problem.”

The Zoe Report

Glycolic acid toner serums

One of the best ingredients to include in a trendy toner serum? Glycolic acid, the workhorse exfoliating Alpha Hydroxy Acid.

Glycolic acid is perfect for a toner serum formulation because glycolic acid can both exfoliate the skin like a traditional toner and help create a softer, smoother, more vibrant complexion, like a serum.

Once applied, glycolic acid quickly penetrates the skin’s surface and works to dissolve the glue holding dead, old skin cells together. Thanks to this effective chemical exfoliation, glycolic acid can shed off dead, dry skin cells, reduce acne, and help improve common issues like hyperpigmentation, discoloration, and the appearance of wrinkles.

Additionally, glycolic acid drives new cells to the surface of the skin. This helps to promote younger looking, softer feeling skin that is better able to absorb the beneficial “serum” ingredients like humectants, oils, and moisturizers in a toner serum.

In brief? Glycolic acid is an excellent ingredient for toners, serums, or this new category, the toner serum.

The future is hybrid

Today, consumers want effective skincare formulations that can deliver big results with little effort. Trending toner serums, especially those formulated with glycolic acid, can help to cleanse, exfoliate, and improve skin tone and texture with a single swipe, pat, or dab.