S/fusion_dropcap]ince the global pandemic and subsequent stay-some orders began, more and more consumers have complained about increased breakouts and occurrences of adult acne.

“Has your skin been breaking out like crazy? …It seems to be too much of a coincidence that almost everyone is having the same problem since lockdown began — even dermatologists,” writes Tori Crowther

Skincare experts and dermatologists cite two common culprits behind the recent onslaught of breakouts, bumps, lumps, and blemishes: increased stress and more time indoors.

However, formulators can help consumers heal their “self-isolation skin” with adult acne-busting products that feature the powers of that supreme exfoliator, glycolic acid.

Increased stress, increased breakouts

The global pandemic and stay-home orders have wreaked havoc on people’s lives and typical routines. And, all of that upending has increased levels of stress for consumers, and increased their chances of a breakout.

When stress builds, elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol spike in the body. This surge in cortisol levels can affect sleep, metabolic levels, and decrease the body’s level of estrogen production. With hormone levels in flux, increased amounts of androgen, the male hormone, will signal oil glands to produce more sebum. The result? Overproduction of facial oil, and an increased likelihood of adult acne.

Similarly, elevated levels of stress can also lead the body to produce corticotropin-releasing-hormone. Corticotropin-releasing-hormone hooks up to the receptors on the sebaceous glands, and also leads to an increase in sebum production, and thus more breakouts.

More time inside spells unhappy skin

Additionally, many experts point to the extensive amount of time spent indoors for the recent spike in adult acne during quarantine.  Thanks to a lack of exposure to bacteria-blasting UV light (sunlight), the skin is more susceptible to bacteria, debris, and indoor pollutant building up on the face. 

Also, spending more time can boost the chances of a breakout, due to differing humidity and temperatures.

“When inside in the dry air, the moisture transfers through your pores in the skin, giving you a very dry skin surface, even though you might normally have oily or combined skin. This will put your skin into a sort of ‘turbo mode’ where it tries to remoisturize, but instead it gives you irritated and red skin, or even acne,” Anne Wetter, MD, dermatologist and cofounder of Allél DNA skincare, told Vogue.

While increased stress, lack of sleep, and more time indoors might seem like insurmountable obstacles to clear skin? There’s a simple and highly effective solution for sufferers of adult acne and irritated “self-isolation skin.”

Solve self-isolation skin with glycolic acid

One of the most efficacious skincare ingredients to treat adult acne is the workhorse exfoliator glycolic acid.

As the smallest and most lightweight member of the Alpha Hydroxy Acid family, glycolic acid is best able to quickly penetrate the skin cell. When topically applied, glycolic acid rapidly disintegrates the bonds that hold dead skin cells, excess oil, bacteria, and dirt together on the face. By dissolving these chains, glycolic acid can quickly help shed the buildup of debris that leads to clogged pores and blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.

Glycolic acid is excellent for preventing future breakouts.

Furthermore, glycolic acid offers another benefit for sufferers of adult acne. Glycolic acid is excellent for preventing future breakouts. Regular usage of glycolic acid encourages the movement of new cells to the surface of the face. New skin cells are healthier and more likely to exfoliate in a timely manner. Plus, in addition to being healthier, new skin cells look better: plumper, more evenly toned, and properly hydrated.

Easing the strain of self-isolation

The global pandemic remains an extremely stressful experience for everyone around the globe. Unfortunately, the increased occurrences of adult acne and breakouts for consumers create another unhappy symptom of self-isolation.

Formulators can offer relief, hope, and a fast, effective, and affordable option for taming adult acne with products powered by the exfoliator extraordinaire, glycolic acid.