What are three of the most intriguing and salesworthy natural ingredients that we’ll see on the market this autumn?
Hailed as a “natural” alternative to retinol, bakuchiol is the latest vegan skincare ingredient to generate positive buzz for its all-natural, anti-aging properties.
“Bakuchiol is just as effective as retinol in stimulating collagen production,” Dr. Dendy Engelman, dermatologic surgeon and dermatologist, told The Cut. “Bakuchiol was formulated into a finished skin-care product and was tested in a clinical case study by twice-a-day facial application, according to Dr. Engelman. “‘The results showed that, after twelve weeks of treatment, significant improvement in lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, elasticity, firmness and overall reduction in photo-damage was observed.’”
An extract from the psoralea corylifolia plant, or “babchi” plant, bakuchiol increases skin cell turnover, stimulates collagen production, and reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and discoloration. Additionally, bakuchiol has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and antibacterial properties.
“Like retinol, bakuchiol boosts collagen and elastin production, but it’s photo-stable and more suitable for sensitive skins. Already used by some brands, we are confident that bakuchiol will start trending this year and we will see it in more mainstream skincare launches,” said Jo Lawlor on the Mintel blog.
Currently touted as the non-irritating, wrinkle-reducing ingredient, bakuchiol is set to be a star in future anti-aging formulations, especially those targeted to deliver on sensitive skin claims.
This favorite fall vegetable is now a trendy hero ingredient ingredient in skincare formulations, thanks to the mighty pumpkin’s ability to protect, hydrate, and rejuvenate the skin.
When topically applied, pumpkin acts as a natural rocket booster for the skin, due to the gourd’s high concentration of beneficial vitamins and minerals, including:
- Zinc – helps to prevent acne and breakouts
- Beta-carotene – helps reduce wrinkles, decrease brown spots, and reverse UV damage
- Vitamin A – minimizes acne scars and facial scars
- Vitamin C – fights sun damage and free radicals
- Vitamin E – nourishes and replenishes skin moisture
Global facial skincare launches with pumpkin listed as an ingredient increased from 20.7% in 2017 to 26.5% in 2018, and experts predict pumpkin will continue to be a popular addition to products this fall and beyond.
“From pie and candles to pasta and lattes, everything good and wonderful in the world is about to be taken over by a certain orange fruit. Pumpkin beauty products for fall 2019 are exceptionally exciting, and not just because their smell or color will help you get into a cheery autumnal mood, either. Pumpkin boasts a ton of minerals and vitamins that are super beneficial to skin, making them both festive and effective — there’s no better combination than that!” said Elite Daily.
Broccoli Seed Oil
An extract from the broccoli seed, broccoli seed oil is now the it ingredient for protective, anti-pollution skincare formulations. Thanks to its incredibly high Vitamin A content, broccoli seed oil is superb at shielding the skin from the negative effects of smog, smoke, particulate matter, and other forms of pollution. With the anti-pollution skincare market expected to expand at a CAGR of 4.2% from 2019 to 2025, all-natural broccoli seed oil will be an increasingly important ingredient for formulations aimed at leveraging this claim.
Another reason interest in this trending ingredient is on the rise? Broccoli seed oil is great at reducing the damaging effects of UV rays on the skin.
“Studies show that it has the potential to prevent skin cancer. “Broccoli seed oil contains sulfurophane, a compound which mobilizes cellular defenses that protect the skin against UV damage,” says Marie Veronique Nadeau, the founder of Marie Veronique skin care. And even though it’s decidedly not a substitute for proper sunscreen, science confirms that broccoli seed oil does significantly reduce cell damage caused by the sun — this study from 2007 showed that skin exposed to UV rays experiences 37 percent less cancer-causing cell damage when slathered in sulfurophane beforehand,” according to Fashionista.
Additionally, broccoli seed oil offers one more unique benefit to formulators. With an incredible 62.5% Omega-9 content, broccoli seed oil can act as a natural silicone substitute in skin-care formulations.