Glycolic acid is revered by everyone from skincare obsessed consumers to dermatologists to celebrities for its incredible ability to create healthful, beautiful, and simply glowing skin. A multifunctional ingredient in the truest sense of the word, glycolic acid’s ability to improve skin in almost every capacity has given this Alpha Hydroxy Acid a highly respected place within the cosmetic and skin care worlds. Ready to be wowed by glycolic acid? Check out these six incredible benefits to the consumer when they incorporate glycolic acid-based products into a skin care routine:

1. Excellent exfoliation

Suffering from dull, flaky skin? Glycolic acid rides to the rescue, working its exfoliative magic by dissolving the connective, glue-like substance that holds together dead or damaged skin cells together on the outermost layer of the skin. The result? Dry, flaky, itchy, dead skin cells are rapidly swept away after use of a glycolic acid exfoliating product – and healthier skin cells that rise to the surface.

Plus, unlike larger grain exfoliators like sugar, salt, crushed nuts, or coffee grinds, glycolic acid gently exfoliates the skin by loosening up dead skin cells, not abrasively scrubbing them off. For those with sensitive or easily irritated skin, glycolic acid is truly the undisputed godsend for exfoliation.

2. Goodbye, breakouts!

When we’re talking about banishing blemishes, in this case, size does matter! Glycolic acid is the smallest of the Alpha Hydroxy Acids and thus most easily able to penetrate skin cells. What does that mean for acne sufferers who incorporate glycolic acid into their skincare regime? Relief.

Thanks to its deftness at permeating the skin, glycolic acid is hyper-efficient at removing the trapped and excess oil, sebum, and dirt from pores that lead to breakouts and blemishes. Blackheads and whiteheads are simply no match against glycolic acid’s pore cleansing strength, and same goes for bigger, angrier cysts and pimples. For the consumer who’s ready to say goodbye to acne? Time for them to introduce themselves to glycolic acid.

3. Correcting hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone

The top layer of skin is comprised of keratin, a protein composed of dead skin cells. And while the body naturally sheds off these dead cells daily, hormonal swings, stress, changes in diet or climate, travel, or even environmental stressors can disturb or slow the skin’s natural exfoliation process. One of the most unpleasant cosmetic side effects of built-up dead skin cells? Uneven skin tone, discoloration, or darker spots (hyperpigmentation) on the face and body.

Luckily, products containing big doses of glycolic acid are powerhouses at sloughing away this top layer of dead skin and revealing the new skin cells just underneath. And, yep, you guessed it – newer skin cells means more evenly toned, spot-free skin for the user.

4. Reducing fine lines and wrinkles

There’s a reason a glycolic acid chemical peel is considered one of the ultimate ways to maintain youthful skin. Glycolic acid peels work. Glycolic acid peels, whether performed at a doctor’s office or with an over-the-counter product, help plump up skin, eliminate or reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and smooth out the rough, “coarse” wrinkles that come along, hand-in-hand, with aging.

“As that topmost layer is shed (after a peel), signals are sent to the living cells below to multiply and move up, to increase collagen production, to make more hyaluronic acid—to act younger,” said David Bank, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Columbia University/Presbyterian Hospital in an interview with Allure on the effectiveness of glycolic acid peels.

Even better news for anti-aging advocates? A daily use of glycolic acid packed serums, night creams, or facial lotions will help reduce wrinkle length and depth, according to research conducted by NCBI.

“As that topmost layer is shed (after a peel), signals are sent to the living cells below to multiply and move up, to increase collagen production, to make more hyaluronic acid—to act younger.”

David Bank
Columbia University/Presbyterian Hospital

5. Luminous complexions

Glowing, luminous, radiant, dewy…these are the buzzwords everyone wants to hear about their their complexion! And with glycolic acid, a glowing complexion is more easily achievable than ever before. Glycolic acid’s ability to quickly shed dead skin cells and drive healthier, newer skin cells to the topmost layer of the skin automatically creates a fresher, dewier face.

Plus, frequent use of glycolic acid based products makes moisturization a snap, thanks to GA’s ability to induce rapid skin cell turnover. Newer skin cells are more easily able to absorb and retain the moisturizing ingredients of lotions, creams, and serums – and help create that glowing complexion everyone craves.

6. Boosting collagen and elastin production

Collagen and elastin are two of the most vital components of healthful, youthful skin. Unfortunately, after the age of 21, collagen production decreases by approximately 1% each year, which creates a loss of firmness, bounciness, and overall elasticity of the skin.

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The new global benchmark for high purity glycolic acid.

The result? Wrinkled, tired looking skin that showcases the effects of age and environmental stressors on the face. However, glycolic acid has been shown to stimulate the regeneration of both collagen and elastin cells within the dermal layer of skin and glycosaminoglycans, which support collagen and elastin.

In fact, glycolic acid treatments have been shown to increase fibroblasts’ production of collagen in vivo (in hairless mice) and in vitro (in human skin fibroblast culture), according to the Dermatological Study. What does that mean for consumers? Firm, bouncy skin is attainable throughout the years, with regular usage of glycolic acid skin care products.

Whether it’s acne or signs of aging that are the skin care concern du jour for a consumer, glycolic acid is an essential ingredient in creating the healthy, dewy skin everyone wants when they look in the mirror.