April 29, 2018 was a particularly exciting day for chemical manufacturers, educators, and budding chemists in the sunny state of California. The California State You Be The Chemist Challenge® took place last Sunday at the Discovery Cube in Orange County, to rousing results – and with the Coast Southwest team in the audience to cheer on all these future Golden State chemists!

You Be The Chemist: This year’s California competition

You Be The Chemist is an interactive academic contest for students in grades 5-8 that encourages the exploration of chemistry concepts and their real-world applications. It educates young minds about the central role of chemistry in science and our everyday lives, stressing the importance of STEM education to our present and future success and prosperity.

You Be The Chemist is hosted every year by the Chemical Education Foundation, in collaboration with industry participants like Coast Southwest, educators, and STEM-promoting community members. Our own Jillian Cimo served as Co-Organizer of this year’s event.

At this year’s competition, students from counties all across California arrived bright and early at the Discovery Cube to have their chemistry knowledge put to the test. What made the Challenge even more exciting for these future chemists? The opportunity to compete for cash prizes, academic honor, and the chance to represent the golden state at this year’s National You Be The Chemist Challenge in Washington, D.C. on June 18, 2018.

It educates young minds about the central role of chemistry in science and our everyday lives.

Outstanding students in fierce yet friendly competition

The students at this year’s Challenge competed in a multi-round quiz bowl format, with topics ranging across the board, giving the contestants a true opportunity to showcase their chemistry comprehension. Although the competition was fierce , an atmosphere of fun, congeniality, and true enjoyment prevailed throughout the day for competitors, industry collaborators, and audience members alike.

“This year’s You Be The Chemist was truly among the most competitive we’ve seen,” said Joseph C. Cimo, President of Coast Southwest.  “We are thrilled to once again be part of it, and help support STEM education here in California and nationwide.”

After hours of vigorous competition, the highest scorer and winner of was finally announced as Lina Huang, an 8th grader from Suzanne Middle School in San Gabriel.

Lina will now have the opportunity to National You Be The Chemist Challenge in June.

But she wasn’t the only winner at this year’s competition. It may sound like a cliché, but it’s true: Every one of these youngsters had already proven his or her self by advancing this far in tough statewide competition.

The importance of backing STEM education

Coast Southwest was a proud sponsor of this year’s You Be The Chemist California competition, along with American Business Bank, Gar Labs, Horn, Olin Charitable Trust, Ross Organic, SRC Labs, Tarr LLCTri-Iso, and Vivion.

You Be The Chemist is an unparalleled opportunity for companies like these to encourage and promote chemistry education. Plus, it’s a unique chance for Coast Southwest to galvanize the young people who’ll make up the future workforce of the United States to consider pursuing a career in chemistry, science, or some other STEM arena. By sharing the importance of chemistry in everyday life, early in the educational journey, You Be The Chemist spurs future generations to seize the possibilities of science to create innovation, economic growth, and prosperity in our communities.

“This year’s You Be The Chemist was truly among the most competitive we’ve seen.”

Joseph C. Cimo
President, Coast Southwest

In an increasingly competitive age, where economic challengers confront us on all sides, STEM training is more vital than ever to America’s continued success.

For a special look at the photos and fun from this year’s California You Be The Chemist Challenge, be sure to check out:

  • The California You Be The Chemist Facebook page
  • The amazing, candid photos you’ll find on Instagram
  • Search the #ybtc hashtag on Twitter
  • And follow @chem_ed on Twitter for all the latest news and updates!

A big congratulations to all of the future chemists of California, from all of us here at Coast Southwest!