2018 will follow suit with previous years, as members of the Coast Southwest team will be joining others from across the chemical distribution industry at the NACD Washington Fly-In, held April 25-26 at the Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City in Arlington, VA.

It’s our opportunity to meet with NACD leadership and fellow members, then with legislators and regulators. It’s an unrivaled opportunity for us to set forth our positions and POVs on the issues affecting our industry, our companies, their employees and the communities they service coast to coast.

Thanks to the hard work of the NACD, participants are fully prepared and ready to hold informed conversations with members of the Senate and Congress, their legislative staffs, and regulatory officialdom. Last year’s Fly-In was no exception, so you might want to read in detail about the organization and prep work that went into making it a success.

Helping the industry state its case

Just like last year, Jillian Cimo and Mary Ann Thornton will be representing Coast Southwest at the Fly-In, and having frank conversations with the movers and shakers on Capitol Hill.

It’s an exceptional event, orchestrated by an exceptional organization doing everything possible to advance the welfare and positions of its membership. That’s exemplified by how the NACD puts on the Fly-In, as their team does everything possible to help members navigate the corridors of power in D.C. As they explain:

NACD logo

“We will review our unified message and the legislation for which we will advocate. We will also teach you about lobbying and how to share your story in a way that leaves a notable impact on Congressional representatives. Your experiences are important — we need your voice.”

If you’re interested in keeping tabs on how the Fly-In goes, just follow us on our social feeds (available below) as we post photos and commentary over the next few days. If you’re an NACD member who’s in attendance, we’ll look forward to seeing you there!